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  2. Karin Drda-Kühn e.a. in European Commission: „Clean, safe and efficient energy for Europe – impact assessment of non-nuclear energy projects implemented under the Fourth Framework Programme – Executive Summary, synthesis report and thematic report; Socio-Economic Impact of Energy Research Projects“; 2003, ISBN 92-894-6291-4,  92-894-6298-1, 92-894-6299-X
  3. „Clean and Efficient Energies for Europe – Socio-Economic Impact of Energy Research Projects“; report of the independent panel, European Commission DG Research, March 2001, EUR 19464, ISBN 92-894-1123-6
  4. „Clean and Efficient Energies for Europe – Results of Individual Projects, European Commission DG Research 2001, EUR 19465/1, ISBN 92-894-1120-1
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